Earth Moves Cooperative

Art Workshops/Classes
Introduction to Drawing
•Drawing objects in line- letting go of perfection
•Drawing the landscape- the rule of thirds
•Drawing in tone- chiaroscuro with charcoal
•Drawing others
•Drawing the urban world
•Drawing with Chance
•Drawing with meaning (Semiotic materials)
Introduction to Print-making
•Lino- Block printing
•Collagraph with neoprene
•Image transfer with varnish
•Layering images
Introduction to Consciousness studies
A mixture of brain science, psychology, philosophy and spirituality.
We will discuss the basic philosophical questions concerning the nature of consciousness, including issues of definition and origins. We will look at ideas which suggest the primacy of consciousness and what the implications are for this.
Concepts covered
We will look at relationships between, quantum theory and consciousness. The metaphysics of non-duality and relationships of modern consciousness theory to ancient occultism. We will look at the question of the brain generating consciousness and the difficulties consciousness presents to both the worlds of science and philosophy.
Film and Animation
Film studies- an introduction.
Get the most out of film viewing with this course which looks at meanings, narrative, symbols and codes.
Make your own stop frame animation using themes from Mythology,
Urban Shamanism- How we can use nature, plants, and ritual to connect with the other dimensions in the city.
Healing Archetypes- A Jungian analysis on the nature of archetypes and their power to heal, inform and uplift.
Wild Walking- follows the trail of the early Neolithic people around the Wirral coast, identify wild plants, collect found objects and look out for a variety of species of seabirds. Make neolithic bread around a camp fire.
Power Animal Workshop- Find your power animal, make your own totem animal headdress, slide show, and shamanic journey to find the power animal.
Drumming -Arabic, Indian, African and Celtic. therapeutic and community-based.
Archetype channeling- Goddess, and god energy Mask making using (collected) natural and synthetic recourses.
Trance dance –Middle Eastern consciousness changing and healing dance techniques including Zar, Khaleegy, and Guedra . and Sufi turning. In a changed consciousness state, we will attempt to channel from our higher self, heal and transform.
Observing the Masks -Reflection and investigation into the variety of identities that we each possess. Mask Making, shadow work, ritual, creativity, and transformation.
Plant Power! Urban agriculture, growing, your own, spiritual connection with plants, communicating with plants. Healing through the natural world. Biodynamics.
Neolithic spirituality- What are standing stones? Who built them? What were they for? What does scientific research say about these enigmatic structures? How can we connect to these structures using consciousness?
Sensual Bellydance for personal and physical Transformation.
Secular Mindfulness
Introduction to the Brahmaviharas – a secular approach to ancient practices
•Friendliness workshop- Metta Bhavana for communication and morale
•Compassion workshop-Karuna Bhavana for listening and empathy
•Sympathetic Joy- Mudita Bhavana for generating gratitude and positivity and softening jealousy/ negative emotion
•Finding common ground with others- Upekkha Bhavana for negotiation and understanding
•Using the Brahmaviharas in the workplace
Divine Feminine Meditation